How To

Custom Domain

A Custom Domain let you serve login under your own domain.

This page explains how to add a custom domain.

Add the domain

  1. In Admin console, navigate to Branding → Domains.
  2. Click on Add Integration.
  3. In the DNS record, put your chosen custom domain. For example:
  4. Click the Add button.

Domain validation

For security reasons, we have to ensure that you own the domain, This requires you to add a TXT record with the given details in your domain entries.

dns record

(See below if your DNS provider is GoDaddy)

After adding the DNS record, click the Verify Domain button.

The domain should be in a verified state.


Certificate deployment

For SSL to work, a certificate (with its key) should be provided,

Issuing a certificate is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Once a certificate issued, you should have a PEM file with a full chain certificate and a key.

In the domains action, click the deploy button (see screenshot above).

Provide the certificate and key and click deploy.

If everything is okay, the deployment state should be green.

Wait a bit for the deployment process to end.

Use the domain

Refer to your domain instead of, for example, if your tenant is acme, located in US then

OAuth endpoints would be referred to:

If your custom domain is, your can refer now to the URL: instead.

DNS Providers


If your domain is hosted in GoDaddy follow these steps:

  1. Open
  2. Put a TXT record with the given name and value.
  3. Click the Add Record.


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